Thursday, April 16, 2009

This is Super Punny...I mean, Funny...


  1. rlol, come on with the tea bagging...they couldnt have just said tea partiers or something, unreal.

    In all seriousness though, conservatives are always going to argue against taxes, especially progressive taxes. There is an agrguement to be said when 38% of your income is taxed, and don't forget sales, property and other taxes to be included. And you can't have a flat tax either, so realize that politics is a swinging pendulum, that democrats will control the house and so will republicans, policies will will swing from one end of the spectrum to the other, thats the beauty of a in a bipartisan manner and lets get through this god awful economic time.

  2. I was dying at the second one until I realized it was a Olberman piece. I guess I should of known at the beginning when he used "mouth "lick" and "nuts" in the first 20 secs.
