Sunday, April 5, 2009

Looking Back, SMC Wooo

I was thinking, my favorite video Ive ever seen on this blog is an easy answer. Sean Michael Costello explaining how "Tesas Is a wonderful pwace to cow Home" was just incredible. Hes easily my favorite Hows Your News anchor. I would love to go on a tour and have him as my guide. It kills me how hes trying to sound like Mike Wallace or any serious journalist/anchor but he ends up sounding asian. Rlol dude just peep the sweatshirt, fanny pack, strut, mullet, charisma, and overall syndrome swag.

-Off Topic but I heard an interview with Peter King talking about the Cutler deal and it changed my opinion a little bit. I still stand by my post from the other day, but I think Cutler is more of a baby than I realized. McDaniels pissed him off but the kid really acted out of line afterwards with the not answering phone calls and throwing multiple hissy fits (such an expression my mom would say). Interesting that the final decision to move him came from the owners box as Pat Bowlen thought Cutler was the one acting disrespectful, not McDaniels. Also interesting that Denver could have taken a similar package and Jason Campbell but chose Kyle Orton over him.


1 comment:

  1. never saw that clip before, what a gem...has me rolling every time.
