Friday, April 24, 2009

Slim Shady

OK, so as most of you rap fans know, Eminem's second (or is it third?) single from his upcoming album Relapse dropped late last night. Well, it didn't drop really -- more like, leaked. It's called 3 AM and I believe it's a tribute to Proof. I'm not sure how heavily guarded stuff like this gets leaked, but I guess when Universal loses it's multi-million dollar blockbuster and has it posted online (Wolverine) anything can happen.

Anyway, Aftermath already took down all the YouTubes and Limelx links so I can't emebed it. But you can still listen to it right here. Enjoy.

And throw up what you think as a comment. The last time we did this we got some good feedback, most likely because like it or not, Eminem is pretty much the biggest artist of our generation.

Also, on Aftermath's website, you can enter to win a trip to Eminem's release party in Detroit. ("Fuck that. I'm done with rap, I'm sorry/But Eminem this is your record release party!").
It includes:
Two (2) Round-Trip Airfare Tickets# Hotel Accommodations
One (1) Room for One (1) Night
Two (2) tickets to the Eminem CD release event on 5/19 in Detroit

One more Em tidbit. He was on his station, Shade45, yesterday morning and had a few things to regarding his CD and the single "We Made You."
I'll quote the Detroit Free Press:

"In the interview, Em says “Relapse” is produced exclusively by Dr. Dre (except Em coproduced the lead single “We Made You” with him and did one other track himself), “Relapse 2” will be out at the end of the year as rumored, and the state of rap is getting back to a good place again, 'Because I’m back.'"

Wish he said the kid was back. And this on the single:

"And for fans who aren’t feeling the new single “We Made You,” Eminem says the rest of “Relapse” will have a different feel than the celebrity-mocking chart-blazer."

Oh, you're probably thinking, "Why do they call 'We Made You' a chart-blazer? Well, because it opened at No. 9 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart -- the HIGHEST any of his songs has ever debuted. 'Splain that. Tons of hype for this CD.

He also did confirm that Relapse 2 will indeed come out this fall. Wow.

Listen to audio portions of Em's interview here.

(Sorry this post was a bit rushed and sloppy. Just wanted to get something up before the end of the day. Also, shout out to my man Flum for most of the Em stuff. Kid's XXL and I'm not just talking about his weight gain. Woo.)

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