Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Brand New Eminem Song

Aftermath released his new single today. Album is set to drop May 19. Not gonna lie, I can't wait to squad up with Jake and mall trip that day. I see an ill treat and a Mary Lou's treat in the future. Hot spring day, with the sun out and birds chirping, and I swing into Best Buy to cop the album of the summer. Ahhhh....

Anyway, comment with what you think of the single. As of now I'm undecided:



  1. Dude that song SUCKS.

    Williams, Im pretty sure you are undecided because you wish it was ill.

    Maybe Im wrong but I think its awful. Thats what you are coming back with to kill them Em? Wow.

    I expected a lot more from Crack A Bottle and that was 100 times better. The beat sucks, I hate the whiny flow, lyrics are nothing to me, and I hate when he does the rauncy humor rap. Im so disappointed right now.

  2. i don't get why he keeps using that weird accent lately?! i'm disappointed

  3. that song blows-yaka

  4. I've tried to listen to this song twice....havnt made it past the 2:00 mark yet....dude needs to rap, F Hollywood Jokes, F singing, F a chick chorus, the video sucks, ....just F'n rap duuude.

    Reminds me of when Jordan came back to the NBA with the Wizards.... shoulda just stayed retired as the GOAT. - Gambee

  5. I know I'm clearly in the minority, but I think the song is pretty ill.

    Compared to Just Lose It, it's fire. The lyrics, if you listen to them, are actually pretty creative and not bad. The beat is crisp, the chorus is catchy.

    Granted, some of the references seem a little dated. He's also attacking easy targets, but who cares? If he tried to get too political or offensive, he might turn some people off. He's been gone for so long, it's hard to know what would have been the best strategy. If he came back with something hard, it could have seemed even more corny.

    This is definitely not his best work, but it's certainly an enjoyable video and single. This song is going to be a hit -- like it or not -- and you might as well accept it.
