Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Tribute to....The Spice Girls

Victoria Beckham picture 23

Disclaimer: I messed up some of the Spice Girls names in this article and I am choosing to leave the incorrect info in here because I am not a Spice Girls expert and do not care that I F'd up. I instead want to stress I only remember them as some semi hot chicks that I enjoyed watching dance around back in the day. Thank you.

So I heard an interview with former Spice Girl Mel B on the way to work today and decided that they were perfect for my Wednesday tribute to hot chick(s). First of all Mel B was probably #4 on my list of Spice Girls I wanted to do back in the look at her

Yeah I know...fiiiiiiiiiiiireeeee. Speaking of fire, my favorite Spice Girl back in the day was Ginger Spice. Don't know why really, maybe it was the sweet flag skirt thing she wore, who knows. Anyways, it seems like most of the Spice Girls have aged well because Ginger is still killing it.

Back then Sport Spice was kinda in the background in this group, at least in my mind. Well now she is probably the most famous (Marry the Beck-man probably doesn't hurt). Never really got the whole Spice Girls name...I mean first you have Ginger which is an ACTUAL spice, then you have Posh (don't even know what it means) and Sporty???? Doesn't really fit, but whatever back to my point...V Beckham is a babe.

Sorry to the other two Spice Girls...I'm sure you are both pretty dope in your own right but I can't post anymore pictures on here. Mainly because I have to close with this sweet video....don't be mad, I had to.

-J Perk


  1. Sporty Spice just had a baby and is not married to David Beckham, that would be Posh Spice (Victoria Beckham). Scary Spice is Mel B. and Baby Spice and Ginger Spice, you're right...are insignificant.

  2. Also, if you wanna do a tribute to a hot girl, I think Megan Fox could really use your support, since she is newly single and in a fragile state.

  3. Sporty Spice married to Becks?? Cmon jakey...

  4. Mel B is fiiiiiiiire

  5. Im sayin Scary always had the killer bod.

    Spice Girls were HUGE at one point.
