Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Tribute to....Brett Michaels

I am many things....but what I am NOT is a hater. I cannot believe that I haven't given tribute to this man before this, but wow has Brett Michaels killed it. To be honest, I really don't even know if he's ever done anythign successful in his career, but he has still somehow managed to have a show in its 3rd season on VH1 called Rock of Love.

(After further looking at this picture is this chick giving the universal handjob symbol....look at the HJ pose she is doing!!!)

Basically, Michaels has managed to surround himself with hot chicks for 3 seasons now, and just constantly party with them on camera. And lets face it, if this dude isn't getting at least a BJ a night then he is doing something wrong. I'm saying he has to be hooking up with 1+ of these broads every night.

Now don't get me wrong, some of these girls are a little busted looking, or are completely out of their minds...but still, Brett has aced it. He has taken a mediocre music career, and turned it into a non-stop Beej fest for himsself.

These pictures are only from the most recent season of Rock of Love which is going on right's on Sundays at 9 pm I think. So here's to you Brett Michaels, you legend. For slaying tons of these crazy skanks, as well as celebrity skanks like Pam Anderson, you are a great man.

- J Perk

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