Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thoughts on Romey Rome

This clip makes me RLOL every time. How does everyone feel about Jim Rome? I think the guy is a straight dickhead gimmick and every time I watch his show I feel like he is reading of tons of cue cards. Something about his choppy robot sentences makes me hate him, although he does get some laughs outta me now and then.

For sake of this clip keep in mind the guy being intervewed is named JIM EVERETT.

What do you think???

-J Perk


  1. Was this staged??? I can't even tell...and there is a small pump fake from Everett when he has Rome by the shirt like he wanted to swing. Wish he did, woulda made the clip even more legendary.

  2. o wow wish he followed through with that pump fake. he wanted to hit him just like everyother person on the planet. Jim rome Sucks
