Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Mike Phelps: Sorry for Partyin'

8 gold medals? The best swimmer on the planet? Trained every day, even his birthday and holidays, with a demanding trainer and grueling regime? I'd be doing the same thing.

"Hey, sorry for partyin."

This pic of Phelps was taken at UNC where he was being ill. This cements his legacy as one of the all-time illest. His rep. not only offered this UK newspaper money, but also said Phelos would write a column for 3 years if they didn't publish it. But more importantly, who is the asshole who took this picture? I don't get why people do this to celebs. People love getting people in trouble. I'll never get it. But I guess I'm not a tattle-tale loser baby. Well, at least not a tattle-tale.



  1. :ahem: Jill Sutton Church Street:ahem: yeah you never tell nick haha

  2. hahah...unless it's a song..

  3. Look at that bong rookie:

    1. Zero smoke in the chamber
    2. His lungs look like they are already at capacity
    3. The lighter (see reflection in bong) is buring to the north (instead of being sucked into the bowl).
    4. The bowl is at a 9 o'clock angle, when it should be at 12 o'clock in order to prevent bong water on the carpet.
    5. The bottom, main chamber appears to be empty too or at least not 'milky' enough.

    Did Phelps even hit this bong?

    PS - Phelps, if you see this page, I have a business proposition for you..... The Micheal Phelps "Water" Bong: The fastest hitting water bong in the World, complete with 8 gold rings going up the pipe with respective events and World Record times....think about it...

  4. Gambee's idea might be the best ive ever heard.

  5. He might look like a rook hitting a bong but that GI Joe kung fu grip has gripped some serious cock in it's day. Left hand cupping the sack??? Watch out now!

