Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Tribute to.....College.

Partyyyy!!! College!!! Wooooooooooo!!!! As kids start returning to school for their second semester I felt that it was only right to give a shout to the best thing that ever happened to In all reality college deserves more than just one post, as it is the only place where it is socially acceptable to get so drunk that you run around your dorm with a hockey mask on singing "I'm a little teapot." Not....that...I....ever...did that.

So for all of you that are still in college, please realize there are millions of us out there just wishing that we were you. Praying that we had just one more chance to get shitfaced and hook up with a girl nicknamed "wildabeast," or walk up to a girl that is out of your league but so drunk that you convince her you play for the Pawtucket Red Sox. Where shit like the below image happens...

Where peeing your bed is perfectly acceptable, where you you can dress up like this for Halloween and everyone will love your costume....

Where it is your god given right to go out having not completed any of your school work, get drunk, blackout in someone elses room, wake up in your own vomit, not go to class the next day, go out and do it all over again the next night.

So to all you college kids, go party, have unprotected sex with multiple partners until your thing falls off, don't go to class, attend multiple sporting events with your chest painted (yes girls, this means you too), and for Christs sakes love EVERY second of it....

And the next time your on the verge of blacking out and puking and you are hesitant to take that one shot which puts you over the think of me, and you take that shot, because I promise you that it will only make the troll that is hanging all over you that much better looking.

It's thirsty Thursday....enjoy your evening.

Also...I encourage all of you to comment and leave your best college story below this post. The best post will recieve.....uhmmm...and autographed picture of the WKFTB staff.

- JPerk

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