Friday, January 30, 2009

Flight Of The Conchords and Your Wind

-If any of you have HBO and aren't watching FOTC than you're really missing out on one of the only shows in history that can make me, and probably you, RLOL (really laugh out loud). Quick episodes and I think season 1 is still on demand. Oh man its great. The songs they bust into randomly are too incredible.

-Also Lost is officially ranked 3rd in my all time favorite shows behind The Wire and The Sopranos. I know its hard to grasp or sounds too ridiculous but I'm telling you its absurdly awesome. I would recommend starting from the beginning and loving it.

-Lastly, I was talking to my buddy Brett on the phone the other day and we were laughing at how scary it is the first time you get the wind knocked out of you as a kid. Rlol you are convinced a lung popped or something, panicking, thinking you're a goner and everyone around you is calm and tellin you it will pass. I literally thought I was a dead man, just mouthing/moaning that I cant breathe and thinking those were my last words. It really does pass though. Then the second time it happens to you, you know you're ok rationally but its an inner battle in your mind between rationale and survival. I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense to you but if it doesn't you can run and jump down your stairs and land on your back to know the feeling

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