Saturday, March 28, 2009

Why I will never suceed in the business world....

The video is kinda choochy but I always hesitate to just throw up a post with no media attached to it. So anyways some of you may know that I am currently in my last semester in graduate school at the U (Bentley) in pursuit of an MBA (Masters in Business Administration).

As you can tell, this is a very scary thought for myself, the business world, Bentley's MBA reputation, etc. Everyday while in class I find myself wondering how the F I ever ended up here...

So yesterday in the capstone management class of my MBA, my class goes on a fieldtrip (which I completely forgot about) to a WOMEN in business panel. Obviously me being a dick forget the event, and stroll in wearing a hat and a Bentley Baseball windbreaker to a formal event. So obviously I'm getting grilled by 35 pissed off women who are looking at me like I just cancelled Grey's Anatomy. I'm literally already so embarassed (and laughing about it) that I won't even put on a name tag because I don't want anyone to know who I am....

Eventually I decide to eat a roll as I wait for these ladies to begin talking about their careers...but I realize I don't have a plate and I don't want to get up so I just take some piece of paper on the table and eat my roll above it. Afterwards I folded it up with the crumbs inside it and put it right in front of me....

The panel begins and the lady leading the conference begins by telling everyone to take a quick look at the sheet on the table which notes the careers of the speakers...well me and my boy at the same table look at each other and look at the table and immediately begin giggling like 12 year olds, trying desperately to hold in the laughter. If you have ever gone through this you know it is almost impossible to stop inappropriate laughter. People are looking at us and I'm trying to hold it in so hard...I stop for like 20 seconds, then he goes again, and then I go again. I honestly almost had to get up in the middle of it and leave.

I'm a complete failure and embarassment....

I just hope your the slightest bit entertained by it....

-J Perk


  1. I find myself wondering the same thing, how did I wind up doing what I do?...accounting...really?

  2. Such a dick. Had Palmquist been there, he would have bundled you.
