Friday, March 13, 2009

Donatello humps shoe

Alright I just got in from watching the absurd Syracuse vs. Uconn 6 overtime game to this video from J-Lau (UFC Injured warrior and the bridge's finest Joe Lauzon). I did a quick scan and saw that it was featured on another blog that you all probably read but you know what...I really don't give a F*ck right now...because this clip is incred. I didn't even know that turtles made any noise, never mind a sweet hump sound effect

I'm sure this shit is spreading all over the internet faster than a SSG (South Shore Girl) can spread an STD but shit, you just can't create shit better than a turtle humping a shoe. I mean really...who humps a shoe?

-J "2 am post" Perk


  1. It doesn't matter how many times you watch it... its still funny every time.

    And nice touch with the green border on the video.

  2. if ur rilly interested in that, ur sick.

  3. o yea, and ur clock is WAY off
