Friday, March 6, 2009

A Tribute to....Wal-Mart brand soda

Ha, I'm sure many of you just read the title and are saying "Wow, this dude has clearly lost his mind...." and you are probably right. But I got home at 330 am this morning, and what do I see in my fridge, but like 10 cans of TWIST UP LEMON LIME SODA. Which leads me to two thoughts, first of all, kids suffer with enough these days, do they REALLY NEED subliminal thoughts from their soda cans telling them to do drugs. Seriously Wal-Mart, TWIST UP is the best you can come up with???? Now I don't know about you because I certainly don't condone drug use, but to me the term twist up refers to rolling up a marijuana cigarette. That is something that should not be associated with soda that many children will be drinking.

Take exhibit A below here...the only logical explanation for this kid making a video like this is that he must have "twisted up" before recording it. Take a look....

See all Sodas reviews at Expotv

Yes I know, this is the most random and pointless post I have ever done. I am a little shook from getting back from a 3 hour midnight showing of Watchmen last night and when I came in and saw that sweet soda rip off my mind got to wandering so I'm sorry. Think of how many other ill rip off soda names there are out there....Mountain Lightning, Cola Pop (sounds like a NSync album), Dr. Thunder, and the list goes onnnnnnnnnn. If you think of an ill generic soda name drop a comment, because I know there are some gems out there I forgot.

Happy Friday everyone.

-J Perk

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