Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Am I the only person absolutely heated Roid-tiz hit a bomb tonight? That old-verweight creaky toad just bought himself more time in the 3 hole guessing and whiffing for my favorite team. Only way I want him hitting there is if he has lasik eye surgery, does Roids/HGH/Insulin, takes cortisone shots into his kneecaps, and shows some fire instead of hanging his head when he whiffs every 1.0 at bats. Wait a second wouldn't my plan just turn him into Manny last year? Well yes, and I would take that all day over who Ortiz is to me right now Ruben Sierra. I also heard his birth certificate is forged and he is really 41 years old. Ortiz and Tejada have like 15 grandkids already

What do I expect from Big Flapi this year? Probably something like he hit in 2000 for the Twins. You know, before he put on all that roid beef and started hitting 500 footers (see below).

2000 Ortiz - Minnesota Twins = 135 games /10 HR /800 ops /Fuck

-Wared Jolfe


  1. Well Wolfe, where do I begin on this awful post.

    1) He's hitting 3rd no matter what. Lineup construction almost has no impact, I'd love to see them draw names out of a hat, its almost meaningless.

    2) I don't think he juiced. And if he did, its not the only thing wrong. He's not in that crouch anymore.

    3) Ortiz came from a well to do family, they didn't have to lie and cheat to get their boy an agent and a ticket to America.

    4) I bet he hits 20, and there are worse 3 hole hitters in the bigs this year.

    I'm not bailing on a guy who did so much for us before June.

  2. amen! i'm not bailing on him either. stop hating!

  3. Sarcasm anyone?

    He absolutely juiced though.

  4. Hate this shit...anyone who hits homeruns then starts sucking def juiced, no doubt about right? Its not the fact he has a shitload of pressure on him b/c of ppl thinking this or the fact that he is coming off of knee injury and wrist injury, two pretty import things when it comes to power. fuck if they havent tested positive for something thne they haven't done shit. This is America innocent until proven guilty and all that shit.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. It really does blow...I'm not going to comment one way or the other about if he used, but the sucky thing is now it is impossible for anyone to have one down year, or to have one really good year without being accused of steroids.

    If Pedroia somehow had a career year and hit 32 HRs this year, he would without question be accused...

    This era has ruined baseball for a while, and it blows.

  7. BTK if we could have one of our old school bets that we used to have, I would love to bet that Ortiz is a juicer.

    We probably will never know but you gotta realize Canseco has been right about everything and he put the number at like 80% of players didn't he?
