Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dont Fck With Method Man Or Kenyon Martin

Only a few hours until the Lost finale and the Caps/Pens game is on at 7 so I figured you should probably see this if you haven't yet.

The other night after the Mavs/Nuggets game I guess Kenyon Martin's mom was sitting near Cuban. As the game ended Cuban leaned down and said something to the effect of "That team is a bunch of punks and that includes your son." Nice one Cubes, dumb ass. I like that goofy rich chooch usually but you don't say things, especially insults, to the mother of scary dudes from the hood. I mean Kenyon is pretty much a supersized version of Method Man. Actually Ive seen Meth (Cheese for you Wire fans) have some hood threats for people before too. Ill find the vid. But yea, peep the vid of Martin yelling at Cuban and Cuban pretending like hes not scared. RLOL look at that bouncy goof, guys crappin inside.

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Hoooooo. RLOL the last 30 seconds of that clip is so ill.


-If you guys want to see a good 9/11 video check out Press 4 Truth on youtube. Its not like Loose Change, just diggin for facts, very tastefully done. Someone recommended it to me and I liked it a lot. I know Nick Chilliams loves shit like this too.

-And oh yea Im on a swearing binge right now on the blog. Never swore on her before yesterday Im pretty sure. Im not sure why, kinda funny I guess. If the fuckin blogfathers or the blogmother hates though, I am willing to consider stopping all this vulgar filth flowing from my fingertips.

-First streaker on Citi Field. I was laughing at his boy being so proud. And I laughed not because hes so proud his buddy is streaking but because I would probably be saying the same thing if that was Sev. Although Sev would probably nakedly knock out 3 security guards before finally succumbing to a Clydesdale tranquilizer while sprinting with the 4th security guard on his back.



  1. Wolfie...welcome fucking back. Keep up the fucking swearing too wooooooooo.

    ...Unless we get blocked on google searches somehow for doing we?
