Tuesday, August 4, 2009

So, as it turns out Galvatrons aren't delicious...

I actually think it burned holes through my esophagus, which actually explains my entire night thereafter which is good because I'm not accountable for myself at times. Also, word to the wise...if you ever order one and you're not with a huge group of stunner shade-wearing asians at a bar in Los Angeles, there is a 99.99999(repeating)% chance you'll sound like a drunk anime/pokemon nerd to the bartender...then they'll ask you what is in it, you'll forget that 151 isn't a vodka, but actually an over-proof rum...when they say they don't have 151 and you say, "Oh okay, well I guess your well vodka will do", you sound like a self-important douche bag that may or may not sleep at a T station later in the night.

Any way, Huge day today. Besides it being the 2nd day of "Shark Week" and my 3rd day sober it is also Barack Obama's Birthday. He's 48. He doesn't look a day older than 32...which is odd because if he is a socialist, like everyone claims he is, shouldn't his face be teeming with wrinkles and the everyday wear and tear of a hard-working proletariat? ...I mean he does drink Bud Light, which is the beer of the people...if he were truly liberal he would have chosen some microbrew from Vermont. Whatever, I watch too much Jon Stewart to even have a valid, unbiased opinion. But it's his birfday, so raise a Bud Light..the American (belgium?) Classic for our prez.

Below is a video of those Crazos trying to prove something about something that involves Obama not being eligible for presidency because he is a communist or idk. Also, I am stunned this women represents this "movement" in the court of law, she can't even convince me she speaks a lick of english or that she isn't a pre-op transvestite.

This actually might induce a migraine, so do what you want with it.

Kids on YouTube being exploited by their own parents for the amusement of pure strangers...Now, there's a movement growing exponentially. Almost as fast as the 35-50 year old women demographic subscribing to Facebook. All I can say about this little kid is I think he is cooler than his parents let on and I think he knows he's cooler.

Lastly, I have been forcing Mike Posner/Big Sean down people's throats this week, so you should download the miztape off of facebook, he's got a creepy-ish voice, but it works for him.

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