Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Dance Lesson

Never say I never gave you anything. With the exception of the Stanky Leg, which I'm sure is in his vast repertoire of moves/gyrations, this man does it all. He gets down, that's all I'm saying. If I knew this guy on a personal level, like say he was my uncle or brother...he would definitely be my anti-drug...but since there is no such relation, I just have to respect his zest for interpretative dance. Does his back-up dancer add to the performance? I want to say definitely, maybe. and lastly, Don't do Meth, kids.

"If you won't listen to my words, then listen to my dancing feet." K. Powers


  1. Um wow is all I have. Stunning performance. His background dancer and his irish jib inbwt whatever it was else he was doing..superb.

    Meth-apalooza 2010 I'm going for the entertainment.


    Thank you for this. It made my Wednesday.

  2. Yeah, I mean he's not not on drugs.
