Monday, June 22, 2009


I love how if you love a certain drug you become known as that drug attached to the word head. Is it because you look like other ppl that do that drug? Is it because thats all thats on your mind? I think face would work too. Picture being called a coke face, that'd suck too. How did alcohol escape this scarlet letter? Probably because there are so many other things to call a drunk already. I still think if you found out people called you a vodka head behind your back that you'd def switch to whiskey or rum.

For some reason whenever I hear meth head I laugh. Im not exactly sure why, maybe because thats the scariest and most ridiculous drug addict. In my mind, meth heads look like punk rock zombies with 1 tooth and they are all jittery unpredictable tweakers. If you're a coke head, its secretive. Maybe you lose some weight and party too much and are a little shady. If you're a dope head, thats the saddest one. People feel bad for you when you're on H, people dont feel bad for you when you're a meth head. Want to know why? Because you scare the shit out of them. People aren't sure if you have that superhuman strength trumor or if you'll mug/bite them. Noone wants to battle those zombies in I Am Legend (modeled after meth heads).

But I digress from hating on meth heads. The larger point here is that you really don't want to do drugs kids. The minute people are calling you a meth, coke, pill, dope, even pot head, its time to chill out. At that point you're letting that shit define you.

Rock On

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