Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Are my dreams crushed?

So the thousands of you that read our blog daily know that a couple of months ago I made a post regarding the fact that I was training for a marathon in October. Well, very typical of my life, last week while playing in a summer basketball game my knee got crundled against the hoop/pole, resulting in some sort of moderate ligament sprain. This coming after 15 weeks of training, and being in the best running shape of my life.

This is a tape of my singing my heart out shortly after the event wondering if my dreams of running a marathon are crushed....

At first I thought, "You know what Jake, you are the F*ing kid...if anyone can rebound from this it's going to be you."
Well today, just days after the injury I decided that I really couldn't afford to lose time since I'm on a running program, I need to get back on the horse, ya know?

So I decided I would get out there and try to limp out 3 miles....this picture below was the result after completing mile 2.
I then picked myself back up and limp-jogged home like a pansy for all those on the road to see. Listen, for those of you that know me, you know that I'm out of my mind. I can't handle injuries like this at all....after 15 weeks of running in the Summer it looks like it's all going to be for nothing, and that makes me extremely violent.

I'm crying out to all of you, give me some hope. Tell me some tricks to help heal wounds / run longer injured. Give me some F*ing magic out there. I'm supposed to go on a 10 mile run this Saturday and I can barely walk. Is my dream over? Does anyone care? Do people think I'm quitting? Am I losing my mind? Is TO ever going to win a Super Bowl? Should you ever pitch to Albert Pujols? What's the meaning of life? Someone help me....

-J "Insane Asylum" Perk


  1. That's why I'm throwing you a healing party on Friday, bro. I heard if you get blacked out by 8 pm, you heal faster the next few days...

  2. Talk to Doctor McLaughlin. Hes saying if you hit it on the pole theres a chance its just a bone bruise which can be healed with a little rest. Get it checked out before you jump Perk. I know you are standing on the forge pond bridge right now debating letting the snapping turtles eat your injured body. Dont give up yet.

  3. haha nah man it got twisted on the pole. Not HIT on the pole. It's not a bruise.

  4. Don't even trip bro. Just party. There's marathons every single year. It's all about the training anyway.

    Like really, are you doing this for any other reason than to get in shape so you can hook up with more girls? Let's get real here.

    Good effort; run the next one. At least you know you can do it now... Just don't pull a Livingston next time, brotha.

  5. Never pitch to Albert Pujols.

  6. Well heres an area i could be an expert in, since I'm a licensed massage therapist and going to school for occupational therapy. Depending on which side of the knee it's on it could be different things. As long as its not your meniscus u should be ok. Put ice on for 20 mins followed by heat for 20 mins and alternate at night. Wrap ur knee up kind of tight to prevent a lot of swelling and elevate it when you can. Take some motrin to reduce the swelling too.

    Your knee should feel better in a couple of days if it is just a sprain. Definately don't push yourself with any activity for a few days though because that will only make it worse.

    Dr. JRo

  7. Thank you everyone for your words of advice. I think you have helped me through another day of this....

    God is love.

    -J Perk
