Thursday, July 23, 2009

Am I A Tony BROmo for liking these songs?

I think that the answer from the blogosphere is going to be a resounding yes...but sometimes you just have to man up and show people who you really are. Yes I love hip-hop...I love it. I live for hearing new ill rap songs....but sometimes even I get sick of hearing the same type of beats. So here are two songs that I will not turn off when they come on the radio....JUDGE ME.

Andddd this oneeeeeeeeee....

Which of these two babes is better looking BTW? Katy Perry might be more curvy but I'm definitely taking T Swift.

Also my bad on not posting a deal this Thursday....pretty sure none of you really read/like it anyways. But if I see something good tomorrow I will throw it up there for sure. Nothing really struck me today, I apologize.

-J Perk


  1. t swift is winnin that battle.. but donno if he told u.. but bomba did buy that radio bag. so ppl do care jake.. ppl do care

  2. i luv that taylor swift song, but i'm a girl so idk if that makes u feel ne better? but i'm not judging

  3. I'm so glad you didn't put these up for music monday.

    These songs are both terrrrible. Yes, I'm a hater, sorry.


  4. Taylor Swift has the body of a skinny 12 year old male.

    I don't change the station either Perk.

    Gambo, I love seeing comments. Don't care if they are negative or positive. Appreciate the hate.

  5. It's the heaviest when your on top isn't it. And hey let's face it, If I really DID care that people were going to hate on the songs would I have put this up here?? I think we all know that answer is no. Care 0 ill jam both right in ya faceeee wooooooooo.

  6. I love the deals. wtf. jake. it's where i get my freshest gear at.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Faaack, Waking Up in Vegas has grown on me this morn. Cant. Stop. Listening..
