At around 10pm last night...did you hear it? The sound of millions of NFL fans nation wide dropping a collective F bomb. Listen I was more than a few beers deep it might have been 10:30 I don't know...the point is millions upon millions of people were loving the fact that our Patriots were about to lose to the Bills. And don't deny that even you yourself had your doubts...I was nervous, I won't deny it. But when Brady threw his first of two TD's to Watson you just felt like something was going to happen, like somehow they would pull it out.
If you don't think the Pats are one of the most hated on teams in Professional sports you are out of your mind. And hey you can't really blame people...NO ONE outside of New England wants to see a team win 3 of 4 Super Bowls, then just a few years after that run flirt with perfection. No one wants to hear about how Perfect Tom Brady he performs in the cluth every Randy Moss has completely turned his career around...or how Bill Belichick is the best coach in the NFL. They hate is heaviest when your on top people, and like it or not the Patriots are still at least near the top of the NFL. They still command the respect of a champion even coming off a year where they didn't even make the playoffs. And hey I intense hatred for the Yankees as a child was completely a product of their winning ways. I'm not saying the hate isn't warranted...I'm actually saying you should love it. Laugh at the haters, because hate only comes when your good. (Trust me the Kid knows all about this).
So as you watch this season unravel please take time to appreciate what you are watching...because even if this team does not win a Super Bowl ring we are watching the closest thing to a Dynasty that the NFL will produce in teh forseeable future.
Oh and BTW, how crispy did those Uni's look!?!?!
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