Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Get Outta Here with FD4

Final Destination 4 was released last week. This thing should have ended about 3 movies ago. It was slated to be a straight to DVD release. Let's have a peep at the trailer:

Hoho...NASCAR tires flinging at you? Rocks from lawnmowers? Carwash out of control? C'mon dude.

Guess what though? It was the No. 1 movie in America this past weekend. What the F. It brought in $25 mill and beat Inglourious Basterds. I don't get it. Is it because of 3-D? Are people really that into this series? Or is it just so true that ANY horror movie will draw no matter what because of teenage girls and high school dates? They are making a Saw VI after all. SIX!!

Because these movies are short, gory and a little humorous, they are sweet date movies. Everyone knows you can get a girl to hold/hug/grab you during a scary movie. It's like the first or second lesson in Dating 101. And girls love it to because it gives them an excuse to hold/hug/grab you. I mean, are they really that scared?

Need a date? Well if you're under 21 there are only so many options. You can only handle going out to eat so many times, and your parents are most likely bugging the hell out of you at home, so the movies crop up quite a bit. I'm sure everyone reading this used to do this. The Ring..Scream(s)..I Know What You Did Last Summer...What Lies Beneath...these are just a few of the ones that crop up in my mind that I saw. All are dece whack, but they're horror so who cares.

Horror will always draw. Even if it's shitty, special-effect, zero-plot, funny, semi-horror like FD4.

Please if you can think of anytime you saw a shitty movie just to make out or something and be close in the theatre, do tell...



  1. This might be risky to reveal...I loved every final destination movie and thought they were all cinematic masterpieces.


  2. ohh the ghost how i love u and ur terrible taste.. this is the same man that told me.. MJ... michael jackson..is a poor mans justin timberlake.. also that the scream franchise is one of the best ever.. or mayb just the 1st scream but still.. ur in new york so im givin u a swift kick in the dick from here my friend.. will i c fd4.. prob, im a bit of a chooch as well.. but cinematic masterpiece? cmon dudee.. however.. ill prob bring a lady friend there neways. u heard it

