Google has since righted this not-so-PC search glitch. But still...really Google? Really? You have all those algorithms and all those MIT grads and some a-hole off the street is finding these ridic search corrections...Google is Evil, I'm telling you...I don't (but so often do) trust something so widespread and omnipotent...I google everything, It's pathetic. I think I'm going to pull a Benedict Arnold and start using Bing.com...but really Microsoft? way to come into the game 5 years late.
I want to clone this kid and hang out with all his clones while they all ask me cute questions about life. When was the last time something so simple put you in this state of wonder/awe? I miss childhood. Being a kid was the best.
For all the John Legend Fans and all the secret ones...
Freak Out, John Legend.
All Night Long, John Legend (Featuring Estelle & Ludacris)
LOVED the lobster kid