Saturday, August 22, 2009


The trailer for the much-anticipated Avatar came out yesterday. This movie has been in the works for forever. I'm pretty sure the budget is close to $300 mill too.

Prob won't even be good, right? It's only James Cameron's first feature film since Titanic. A sci-fi movie with Best Picture implications?? Count this man in.

Sam Worthington -- the half-machine from the last Terminator -- is the star.

Summary from IMDB: "Jake Sully (Worthington) is a a paraplegic war veteran who is brought to the planet Pandora to participate in a program designed to help him walk again. The program introduces him to his avatar, a creature whose genetics are half human and half Na'vi, a sentient humanoid race who inhabit Pandora. In time, Jake will find himself in the middle of an escalating conflict between the two races."

1 comment:

  1. I saw 16 minutes of this in IMAX. It looks like its gona be good. I'd say it would be great if it were aiming to get an R rating.
