"These masks are stupid. I feel just Swine babe"
Didn't get a post up yesterday or earlier today, my bad. So I wanted to check in before I hit the sheets.
Dan Brown
I started Angels & Demons today at the recommendation of a couple blogfathers. I loved the Da Vinci Code book but was disappointed with the movie. When you start reading a couple books you realize that is pretty common. Its too hard to add depth and layers to the story in a movie that runs only a couple of hours. So I wanted to bang out A&D before I saw the movie. So far so good. Pick it up if you liked Da Vinci Code or secret stuff like the Illuminati.
Ive been catching up on Rescue Me. I was a Dennis Leary hater for a while because my mom met him years ago at a celeb golf tourney and said he was an asshole to her, but I understand now that is sort of his Modus Operandi. Plus I didn't want to miss out on a real good show. Im up to season 4 now and have to say that it is pretty damn good. Not Lost, Sopranos, or The Wire good, but hey what is?
Another good show is Deadliest Warriors on Spike TV. The concept is simple, they hypothetically match up the best warriors of all time and see who would win in a fight. Apache Indians vs Roman Gladiators? Hellz Yea I wanna know who wins. It might not be very interesting to females, but it is a scientific fact that men are less evolved in their thought process. Our instincts are pretty much stuck in 10,000 BC, so our underlying thoughts are always going to gravitate towards reproduction and fighting. Shows like this are the things guys have been thinking about and debating since they were 6 years old. I remember discussing animal fights, like who wins tiger vs lion, as a kid with my cousin for probably a combined 3000 hours.
Swine Flu
How about the Swine Flu huh? People are panicking and its somewhat comical. The public always gets a twisted enjoyment from impending doom. I wasn't really sweating it, even when I didn't know much about it. Then today I find out that if you aren't elderly, your immune system should fight it off like the standard influenza virus (the flu). Then you also have to keep it in perspective and realize 30 to 40k people die every year from the reg flu. So why are people freaking out? (I know ppl who are buying stock in swine flu shots). My theory is that people get worked up simply over the name and the hype.
If you are giving me the choice between Swine and Standard influenza, Im taking the standard one every time, and so are you. It doesn't matter if the symptons are the same, noone wants a flu that came from pigs (an inherently dirty animal). Pigs are gross, but throw any animal in front of the word flu and it sounds like some terrifying mutated killer virus. Its also about familiarity. Ive had the regular one so I know what Im getting into, ya know? You wouldn't take the Swine Pox over the Chicken Pox even if the Swine Pox were less itchy.
Speaking of diseases and viruses, its almost underrated how insane the black plague was. You are telling me some thing called The Black Death wiped out anywhere from 30-60% of Europe's population in the 1300's. Jesus Christ mang. 75 million people worldwide (only 450m ppl on earth then). Thats a little too close to human extinction for comfort in my opinion. It was so nasty too with the black necrosis and the lymph nodes swelling up, painful way to go.
Slurs and Youtube Comments
OK you guys have heard me talk about how the comments at the bottom of the videos are the most vulgar hate filled words on earth. Its all N words, C words, and four lettered words. The spelling is atrocious on the slurs too, a lot s replaced with z and stuff. Its the at the bottom of the depths of humanity for whatever reason. I guess you give a normal to miserable person some anonymity and they purge the hate from their body with their keyboards (see equation above).
Recently I was pointed towards a new humorous aspect to the youtube comments. Yaka pointed it out to me the other night. Its freestyle raps being typed to the youtube videos of rap instrumentals. Its pretty incredible. They have full rap battles between people with IQ's that do not come close to triple digits. I searched for them tonight and was laughing at this line I found.
crusin down tha street tryin to sell my stash
cops in tha back now they hunting fer my cash
but aint nobody, especially no cop
is coming fer my money, or my wiggy wiggy crops
Now that is golden right there. Your wiggy wiggy crops bro? Rlol get outta here.
Addressing the extremely offensive slurs, I don't really say the C or N word anymore because they both are just ridiculous and are only going to get you into trouble. Its more of a cost/benefit thing rather than a me being a pussy issue. I guess I would drop a C on someone if they really forced my hand but it would be very rare. I haven't called a girl one in a long time and the last time I did I caught a slap haymaker. A nice reference or alternate for the C word is something Kate reminded me of the other day, the old C U Next Tuesday trick. If a girl is really being one, you can just drop a see you next tuesday on her, If You Seek Amy style. Its pretty solid because they either don't know and you can smirk, or they do know and are deservedly offended, but probably not enough to slap you.
I wanted to say something about stereotypes. They are dangerous and unfair because not all people of an ethnicity, sex, or preference fit into them. I used to say that they are one hundred percent BS and I was adamantly opposed to them. Now maybe Im regressing socially, or maybe I am just becoming more of a realist, but I am willing to admit they have some basis in truth. Know how I can prove it? Try starting your own fake stereotype and watch what happens. Start telling people "hey guys, know what, its pretty weird how black guys have small johnsons", and you will notice two things. First, whoever you say that to will think you are gay or dumb, and secondly you will notice that your attempt at creating a sterotype will fail because it has no basis in truth. It wont stick and will fade out.
I am trying to be funny here but since this is a touchy subject and we have "white kids" in the title of our blog I need to tread lightly and make sure people don't get the wrong idea . As a disclaimer to that theory I should mention that false stereotypes can stick in extreme cases where trusted officials lie and repeatedly manipulate people in cases of genocidal maniacs like Hitler. But even then, when Hitler was trying to convince everyone that the Arian race was superior, he eventually looked stupid and the stereotype was debunked when the Berlin Olympics came around and Jesse Owens destroyed the Germans and raised a black gloved fist in the air, right in Adolf's eye.
These opinions do not necessarily reflect the views of other WKFTB authors and supporters.
-J Dubs
The first two swine flu cases in Mass. were discovered in Lowell...where I was last night...faaaccckk
ReplyDeleteNo F*ing way.....faccckingg mikeee lowelllllllllllllllllll. I was also there...rocking out to FOB braaaa