I think the video right below here clearly indicates why the Suns aren't in the playoffs.....good shit though fellas. Once again...how ill is Shaq?
Here is the Madden 2010 cover:
I'm a fan of it. Then again who really cares about what the outside looks like, we all know we will be spending 100+ hours of our lives playing that thing even if they put Elton John on the cover.
As most of you know the NFL draft starts tomorrow at 4pm (I'm hating the time change) and while people argue over the top picks in the draft I think it is only right that we here on WKFTB argue who has the hottest girlfriend. So click HERE to take a look at the top 5 hottest GFs of NFL prospects. If you care to know I'm taking Sanchez's chick...although it is very close with Knowshown.
Enjoy your Friday everyone.....
-J Perk
It's Sanchez's girl and I don't even think it's close. Rudy Carpenter's gf is so plastic it's gross. Check out the wife of the Boise State back who won that bowl game and then proposed..He's gonna be a late round pick I think, but his cheerleader wife might be hotter than Mrs. Sanchez.