Youk was in Men's Journal recently listed as one of the ugliest athletes in the world, rlol. I guess he has the last laugh though as his fiance or wife or whatever is a hot, wealthy, italian woman named Enza. Actually nah I take that back. Im sayin that still blows. Noone wants to be called out as the guy who most resembles a hideous beast. Even if it is true. And even if you still landed a cute girl.
"Youk has only three body parts, all hideously oversized: an enormous set of gnomish, bushy forearms; a massive, casaba melon–size white head; and a cauldronlike belly. He has a truly awesome bristle of thick red chin hair that makes his face look like a cross between a vagina and something out of The Hobbit."
hahaha wow that's rough!! hey he's not the best looking guy but i still luv yooooooooouk