While I am on Girls/Woman's sports, isn't it crazy how unnattractive some chicks are while playing sports? I'm saying you can put a dime piece in front of me and have me drooling, until you tell her to go dribble a basketball, at which point my D would go limper than Elton John looking at Cindy Crawford. Biggest turn off ever for me. (Just kidding Elton, I do like your stuff, especially that hold me closer tony danza song) Does anyone feel this way, or am I just maybe getting the gay or something? Maybe all these BROday posts are getting to me shit....better stop all this BROdom. I seriously had to turn away from the game a couple of times because the sheer unathleticism of these high school chicks was making me sick. I mean don't get me wrong I might have thrown a couple "hey baby's" at them while unlocking their locker room for them, and flaunted my authority with a couple of key spins (my go to move while trying to impress college chicks, show em the power babbbyyy..."Oh what's that mildly attractive college chick, you need to get into the ice room, wait let me see if I have the...oh yeah I have the key right here, and the key to any other room in here, no big deal")
So after the bball game I'm starving so I'm out getting a bite to eat...when all of a sudden, I get chief'd. Trust me, I don't want this to sound like a Dane Cook skit, and I'm not lying when im telling you this guy gives me the check and my credit card and says, "I just need you to sign here chief," and takes off. The guy CRUNDLED me with a chief and just takes off. I didn't even have a good response....no comeback, nothing. Listen BRO, if your going to hit someone with a chief you sure as shit better stay around to see what they come back at you with. It's how that shit works brosef. I'll be back with something better tommorow. ONE.
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