So without further adieu, the winner of the 2008, White Kids From The Burbs Bro of year isss..........
BROdy Jenner. Was this one ever even in doubt? I mean no one is more Bro than BROdy. Just look at the kid's name, he was bread for bro'dom from the day he was born. It almost isn't even his fault that he's so bro. Look I apologize to all of you other bro's out there who thought you had a shot at this prestigious award. Great Bro's like Brody's dude Spencer, Matthew Mcconaughey, Joe Masley, Ryan Seacrest all were in contention. However in the end, you can't really bypass the BRO Hall of Famer, with the show callled Bromance.
On a side note, one of my boys from The Bridge made it to the finals of auditions for the MTV show aforementioned. Check out the show's website HERE. He flew out to the west coast with I believe 15 other bro types, to help them narrow the field to the top 10 which I think are on the show. (Tevlin correct me if any of this is wrong, because let's face probably is, I'm a moron). However, they continually hinted at the fact that the only way he was making this show is if he was the "gay" one. Or at least that is how I'm going to spin it because it is my god damn blog. So the bottom line is he did not make the show, because he is not in fact gay (Well maybe a couple incidents with him and Williams, but I dk, maybe just rumors).
The premise of Bromance is this, try to be BROdy's new BRO. How BRO is that? How could I not award a man that has a show like this as BOTY?
Watch this video for more on what Bromance is all about starring BROdy Jenner himself.
(Disclaimer: The above video is not actually Brody Jenner, it is some overweight dude that I do not know, this this video is too money to not watch).
I will be back later on with tons of things that I want to do but definitely won't in 09. ONE.
In that screen shot from the vid kinna looks like ratty plus 50 pounds and add a goatee no?